2 ways to make use of our NLSDays platform
Medicon Village

The next major life science gathering in our region is Nordic Life Science Days, taking place on 18–19 September in Malmö. For the first time ever, we will have our own stand at the event. Our 6 x 6-metre stand is perfectly located near the main entrance, with Invest in Skåne's stand in between and the lounge area on the other side.
As a member of Medicon Village, there are two key ways you can make use of our presence at the event:
- Use our stand as your own: you are most welcome to use our stand as "your" stand. Feel free to invite contacts to meet you there and then move on to the nearby lounge area for discussions.
- Display printed material: you are also welcome to place printed material in our stand. However, please inform Mikael Lagerwall at mikael.lagerwall@mediconvillage.se by 13 September at the latest, so he can arrange space for it on the shelves in front of the 6 x 3-metre backdrop. This backdrop, featuring your business name as a member, will be placed diagonally in the stand to ensure great visibility from a distance.
For more information about NLSDays opportunities, please contact Mikael Lagerwall at mikael.lagerwall@mediconvillage.se.