Career Day | Life Science
Ideon Science Park and Medicon Village have teamed up to host two separate career days: Career Day | Tech at Ideon on 3 December, and Career Day | Life Science at Medicon Village on 4 December. If you are interested in the Tech-day, please visit Career Day | Tech. Companies interested in exhibiting, matchmaking, and meeting new talents at the Life Science-day, please visit Registration for companies.
Welcome to Career Day | Life Science 2024
Careers Centre at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, and Medicon Village warmly invite you to join our Career Day for master’s students, PhD candidates, and postdocs considering working in the life sciences industry.
Are you a Master student, doctoral student or early career researcher within the life science field and want to:
- Know the life science labour market in the region?
- Know what skills you need to be attractive?
- Meet your potential future employer?
- Write a convincing CV?
- Find out about trainee programmes in industry?
- Interested in applying your scientific knowledge to a commercial setting?
Then participate in this day full of useful and inspiring talks and meetings!
Besides providing practical career development skills which early career researchers need for a successful career in the life science industry, the event is also an opportunity to broaden your network and to mingle with potential employers that are present in the afternoon.
Programme includes:
- Introduction to job searching in the life science industry: From navigating the landscape to fine tuning your CV and LinkedIn profile.
- Presentation of opportunities for entering the industry.
- Mingling with exhibiting companies.
- After Work.
AI-generated Match-Making
Submit your profile to Switch to Swedens AI-based match-making tool to have the opportunity to match with participating companies. If you are matched with a company you will get a 20-minute meeting with matching companies. Read more and sign up for participation in the match-making, no later than 17 November, 2024.
[ Registration for matchmaking will open in September - stay tuned! ]
Morning Session
Venue: Auditorium in the Inspira building
08:00-08:30 Breakfast
08:30-08:35 Welcome by the moderator, presentation of hosts, partners, and sponsors
08:35-09:35 Competences for the Future
09.35-09.40 Short (active) break in auditorium
09:40-10:25 Presentation of ongoing talent programmes
10:25-10:45 Coffee and mingle break
10:45-11:05 Presentation on how to boost your CV: Tips and trends
11:05-11:50 Lead your path in Sweden
11:50-12:20 How to make a move
12.20-13:20 Lunch while mingling with companies in the exhibition
[ Registration for this session will open in September - stay tuned! ]
Afternoon Sessions
Exhibition, Parallel Sessions, Match-making and After Work.
Venue: Inspira building
12:30-17:00 Exhibition in the Café area
Meet exhibiting companies with open positions and other organisations.
Open for all - no registration needed.
Venue: Restaurant Inspira
13:00 -16:00 Matchmaking
Time-slots (20 minutes) for students who have entered their professional profile into the AI-based matchmaking tool and have recieved appointments with matching companies. Sign up for this session if you want join the matchmaking.
[ Registration for this session will open in September - stay tuned! ]
Parallel session 1: CV support
Venue: Bengt in the Inspira building
13.00-14.30 Active workshop
Update your CV with help from Pernilla Agardh at Agardh Recruitment & Consulting.
[ Registration for this session will open in September - stay tuned! ]
Parallel session 2: Make a more professional LinkedIn Profile
Venue: Allvar in the Inspira building
14:00 -15:00 Presentation and workshop on how to maximize LinkedIn
Active workshop format, i.e. while listening to the presentation you can update your LinkedIn profile. The session is led by Niclas Lindqvist, CEO Svensk Medicin.
[ Registration for this session will open in September - stay tuned! ]
Parallel session 3: CV support
Venue: Bengt in the Inspira building
14.45-16.00 Active workshop
Update your CV with help from Pernilla Agardh at Agardh Recruitment & Consulting.
[ Registration for this session will open in September - stay tuned! ]
Parallel session 4: Make a more professional LinkedIn Profile
Venue: Allvar in the Inspira building
15:00 -16:00 Presentation and workshop on how to maximize LinkedIn
Active workshop format, i.e. while listening to the presentation you can update your LinkedIn profile. The session is led by Niclas Lindqvist, CEO Svensk Medicin.
[ Registration for this session will open in September - stay tuned! ]
Science After Work
Venue: Café Inspira
16:00 -18:00 Science After Work
Science After Work (Christmas Edition) at Café Inspira, sponsored by Potter Clarkson.
Open for all - no registration needed.
Exhibition and matchmaking for companies
Companies looking for new well-educated talents within life science can register for an exhibition space and take part of AI-generated matchmaking at the event.
Registration for companies
The event is part of the Cross-border Talent Bridge project, an EU Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak-funded initiative aimed at strengthening talent attraction and retention in life sciences and deep tech in the Öresund region. The main partners in the project are the Municipality of Lund, Ideon Science Park, Medicon Village, Mobile Heights, Copenhagen Capacity, the Municipality of Copenhagen, and Medicon Valley Alliance.
- When: to
- Where: The Inspira building at Medicon Village. Entrance from Scheeletorget, Lund.
- Organizer: Careers Centre at Faculty of Medicine, Lund University in collaboration with Medicon Village
- Language: English
Target group
Registration for Master students, doctoral students and early career researchers opens early September - stay tuned!
Contact information
- Susanne Sundell