Webinar: Medical devices’ principal mode of action by physical means – case studies on 3D reconstructed human tissues

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Do you have substance-based medical device products and need to fulfil the requirements of the EU Medical Devices Regulation (MDR)? Join our webinar where experts from VitroScreen will showcase the opportunities offered by 3D reconstructed human tissues to demonstrate the physical mode of action of medical devices in line with the requirements and ethical criteria of the MDR.
Key takeaways
- How the principles of the 3Rs are applied in the MDR’s requirements.
- How 3D reconstructed human tissues become a robust tool to define and demonstrate the principal mode of action of medical devices.
- How to assess on a case by case approach the physical mode of action of medical devices according to their different therapeutic areas.
- When: to
- Where: Online
- Organizer: SenzaGen AB & VitroScreen srl
- Language: English
Please register no later than Wednesday 25 May 2022
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