First call for HALRIC applications for pilot projects – deadline 8 June

Medicon Village

The first call for HALRIC pilot projects is now open until the 8th of June in 2023. The aim is to connect and increase use of research infrastructures and expertise in the Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak-Hamburg (ÖKS-Hamburg) region.

Applications are welcome from industry, clinics, and academia who have a research and/or innovation question within Life Science that would require the use of minimum one research infrastructure in the ÖKS-Hamburg region. Also, stakeholders from outside the partnership are encouraged to apply, but the financial support has to be awarded to eligible HALRIC partner organisations. Feel free to reach out to a HALRIC Cross-Border Ambassador to find a suitable match if you are interested to apply.

Information on how to apply and application process:

Contact information to Cross-Border ambassadors:

Background information on HALRIC

Southern Scandinavia and Northern Germany form a leading life science region with unique research infrastructures that can help transform research into innovation. There is especially a large unused potential for industrial and clinical researchers to use these unique facilities. The HALRIC (Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium) led by Lund University and Medicon Valley now starts to build collaborations between key stake holders within the region, to utilize these unique research techniques and competencies.

The initiative aims at increasing engagement of companies and hospitals in research collaborations with both small and large-scale infrastructures (MAX IV, ESS, EuXFEL and DESY), through supporting collaborative pilot projects. The consortium will also work on prototype models for handling the huge amounts of electronic data generated by such highly specialised infrastructures, and on strengthening the life science ecosystems and strategic dialogues between the participating countries’ engaged partners:

SWEDEN: Lund University, Malmö University, MAX IV, ESS, Skåne University Hospital, Region Skåne, Medicon Village.

DENMARK: University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark, Rigshospitalet/Region Hovedstaden, Medicon Valley Alliance.

GERMANY: University of Hamburg, EMBL, DESY, European XFEL, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, City of Hamburg, Life Science Nord.

NORWAY: University of Oslo.

The project spans from April 2023 to July 2026, and is co-financed by EU Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak.

General information on HALRIC: