Get to know semi new member Medhouse

Pontus Salomonson, Consultant Manager Southern Sweden at Medhouse, has been a member of Medicon Village since beginning of last summer. Here’s his take on why:
What are the three unique selling points of Medhouse?
Our guiding principle is to build a team of positive consultants in whom we have genuine belief. We strive to challenge and constantly develop new ways of collaborating with the customer in an industry that is often characterized by conservative views. This is our foundation and what we aim for in our customer service experience. We formulate it as our purpose is to make a positive impact on the healthcare landscape by delivering specialized competence and reimagine solutions, and with a vision to become the most valued and trusted competence provider within life science.
What major personal goals do you hope to achieve on behalf of your company in 2024?
I want Medhouse to continue to build strong professional relationships that are mutually beneficial for all parties involved. There are numerous exciting developments happening in the industry in Sweden and at Medicon Village. After several years of pandemic-related uncertainty, we now sense that the opportunities are on the rise again. We anticipate major upcoming launches for both big pharma and small to medium-sized pharma. Our partnerships with companies are built on trust, and last year we earned the confidence of recruiting a full Nordic launch team for a major company with an exciting new product slated for market launch in early 2024. We eagerly anticipate assisting more companies in achieving their goals this year.
Why has Medhouse chosen to join Medicon Village?
Being a partner with life science companies throughout the Nordic region for decades, having presence at the Swedish life science equivalent to Silicon Valley is a no-brainer. For a long time, we have been engaged in many of the initiatives that Medicon Village takes, and having a presence with boots on the ground at the site gives us even further possibilities to organically participate in events such as The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science, Career Day, and Science for Breakfast, to name a few. We are looking forward to further strengthening our network in the “village”.