Opportunities to host our events

In 2023, we produce about 130 events on our own in any of the 4 set event formats we created last year (Science for Breakfast, Science for Lunch, Science After work and Academy), and our 5 professional networks (RA Network with two subgroups on MedTech and Pharmaceuticals, QA Network, Medical Writer Network, Administrative Network). We also work with a Meet&Greet concept, to enable product demonstrations.
We now lay out the plan for this Autumn and the beginning of 2024. If you are interested in hosting any of our set event concepts, having a Meet&Greet or put together an event tailored exactly to your needs, make contact with Lottie Norrsén, Event & Project Manager at Medicon Village Innovation (lottie.norrsen@mediconvillage.se), or book conference rooms and catering at meetingpoint@mediconvillage.se.
Read more on our set event formats.