Quick new member take: 3 questions to DGr Pharma

Medicon Village

We introduce new members in an ongoing series. This time, we’re featuring DGr Pharma, a virtual member with a hot desk in The Spark, represented by Director CMC Ron van’t Hof.

Why have DGr Pharma chosen to join Medicon Village?

We joined Medicon Village because it provides an excellent environment for companies to grow and thrive. We believe DGr Pharma can bring significant value to Medicon Village members. Our extensive experience with drug development programs of start-up companies can help elevate businesses within Medicon Village to the next level.

What are DGr Pharma’s key objectives for your operations in the Nordics?

We have clients across the Nordics, including in Lund, and we aim to build on that experience by offering state-of-the-art drug development expertise. Our focus is particularly on the early phase, from lead selection to Phase IIa clinical trials, leveraging our extensive track record of contributions to products that have successfully reached the market, especially in the fields of oncology and infectious diseases.

Our unique concentration of highly skilled multidisciplinary experts, with experience in both the pharmaceutical industry and national authorities, will enable us to achieve our goals as a member of Medicon Village.

What are your business’s major challenges for the upcoming year to meet market demand and trends?

The major challenge is to realize sufficient financial funding of start-up companies. An important reason of investors not to invest in a start-up company is the lack of seniority and experience within the company. Therefore, for several start-up companies we took key positions within their organization. In addition, our large experience with fund raising will be of benefit of our clients as well.

For more information on DGr Pharma, visit https://www.DGr.com.