Tip 2 – Keep the subject and verb close together

Searching for the subject and verb tires and confuses the reader. By keeping the subject close to the verb, it´s easier for the reader to understand what the writer means.

3 things make sentences easier to understand:

  1. The verb comes just after the subject
  2. The subject is clear and easy to identify
  3. The verb is clear and easy to identify

Example of original text:

A diagnostic method for low back pain that covers a spectrum of different types of pain and comprises different elements prone to different stressors has been developed by researchers.


Researchers have developed a diagnostic method for low back pain that covers a spectrum of different types of pain and comprises different elements prone to different stressors.

In the original text the subject isn’t clear. It needs to be identified to let the reader understand what the writer means. The verb is also not clear. Is it ´covers´ or ´has been developed`?

In the revision:

  1. The subject is close to the verb
  2. The subject is clearly ´a diagnostic method´
  3. The verb is clearly ´have developed´