Working towards a stronger life science sector

Medicon Village

For the life science industry to thrive, it’s crucial that our elected representatives at local, regional, and national levels work towards creating favourable conditions for research, innovation, and growth in Sweden. With 180 member companies, Medicon Village plays a key role in shaping discussions on the industry’s needs, and our impact is strongest when we collaborate with other stakeholders.

Recently, it was announced that Sweden’s life science strategy will be updated. Key priorities include enhancing research and health data infrastructure, fostering a stable environment for businesses, and boosting talent acquisition and development.

There is generally wide political agreement in Sweden on the goal of becoming a leading research nation. However, the approaches to achieving this vision vary, highlighting the differing perspectives within Swedish politics. For Medicon Village, it’s essential to contribute to these discussions by providing evidence-based insights on how the industry is progressing, particularly in Skåne. Through close dialogue with our member companies, we aim to identify barriers and opportunities that require attention to ensure the industry’s continued success.

Our contributions range from analysing the sector and providing input on strategies and research proposals, to participating in working groups focused on framework conditions. We also facilitate roundtable discussions with policymakers on topics relevant to our members.

In recent months, there has been extensive debate on the EU’s new pharmaceutical legislation and its potential negative impact on the Swedish life science industry and EU’s competitiveness in general. Industry associations such as SwedenBIO and the Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (LIF), have voiced their concerns. Medicon Village has also highlighted the risks posed by the new legislation, engaging in direct conversations with politicians and sharing insights through columns and panel discussions at Almedalen.

Our impact is magnified when we collaborate with our partners and friends. We actively participate in international, national, and regional forums where discussions on the framework conditions for research and development take place. Most recently, we joined Business Days 2024, hosted by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv), under the theme ’Boosting Sweden’s Innovation.’ We participated alongside more than 300 industry representatives from all over Sweden and 100 members of the Swedish national parliament.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your input on the issues we should address to strengthen the life science sector in Skåne – together we can be a strong voice for the life science sector in southern Sweden.