Career Day 2023 for life science students and early career researchers
Careers Centre at Faculty of Medicine, Lund University and Medicon Village are organising and hosting a career day for junior life science researchers considering working in industry.
Are you a student or early career researcher within the life science field and want to:
- Know the life science labour market in the region?
- Know what skills you need to be attractive?
- Meet your potential future employer?
- Write a convincing CV?
- Find out about trainee programmes in industry?
- Interested in applying your scientific knowledge to a commercial setting?
Then participate in this day full of useful and inspiring talks and meetings!
Besides providing practical career development skills which early career researchers need for a successful career in the life science industry, the event is also an opportunity to broaden your network and to mingle with potential employers that are present in the afternoon.
Programme includes:
- Introduction to job searching in the life science industry: From navigating the landscape to employment contract.
- Presentation of opportunities for entering the industry.
- Understanding roles and specialities in industry.
- Mingling session with companies.
- After Work.
Morning Sessions in the Auditorium (registration required)
09:00-09:05 Welcome by the moderator, presentation of hosts, partners and sponsors
09:05-10:05 Facts and inspiration about Competences for the Future
- Current life science landscape of the region, Petter Hartman, CEO, Medicon Village Innovation.
- Skills for the future life science challenges, Sarah Lidé, Deputy CEO, Medicon Village Innovation.
- How to become attractive, skills and combos needed on the life science job market, Cecilia Jädert, Innovation developer, LU Innovation.
10:05-10:25 Presentation of AstraZeneca Early Talent Programme
- Tiffany Schärer, R&D Graduate Scientist Bioscience, AstraZeneca.
- Linus Källman, Talent Acquisition Partner, AstraZeneca.
- Eric Rochat, Research Scientist, AstraZeneca.
10:25-10:45 Presentation of IQVIA Talent Programme
- Betina Cramer, Marketing and Communications Manager, Nordics, IQVIA
- Klinsmann Carolo dos Santos, Senior Project Manager IQVIA
10:45-11:05 Coffee + fresh air & stretching break
11:05-11:25 Roles in startups
- Annette Säfholm, CEO at Gedea.
11:25-11:45 Perspectives on starting a startup
- Liza Tchapanova, co-founder and CEO at Trackpaw Scientific.
11:45-12:05 Defining the brand value of a prescription medicine
- Sunil Ramkali, W Communication Agency.
12:05-13:00 Lunch outside session rooms
Afternoon Sessions, Exhibition and After Work (no registration required)
12:00-17:00 Exhibition in the Café area
- Meet companies with open positions and other organisations.
14:30 Coffee and cake
13:00-16:00 Parallel session 1 in room Allvar
- 13:00-13:15 How to boost your professional profile: Tips and trends. Pernilla Agardh at Agardh Recruitment & Consulting.
- 13:15-13:30 Employment contract, common traps and how to avoid them. Daniel Wallin, Naturvetarna.
- 13:30-16:00 Q&A, Drop-in 5 min consultations with Agardh Recruitment & Consulting and Naturvetarna, first come, first served.
13:00-16:00 Parallel session 2 in room Sune
- Build your own career – Make your research beneficial. Workshop starting every hour, drop in first come first served. LU Innovation.
16.00-18.00 After Work
- Science After Work (Christmas Edition) at Café Inspira. More info on the Science After Work.
You need to register for morning sessions – first come, first served (180 seats). Please register no later than Sunday 3 December 2023. If the morning sessions are fully booked, there will be a waiting list.
Afternoon sessions are open, no registration required.
- When: to
- Where: The Inspira building at Medicon Village. Entrance from Scheeletorget, Lund.
- Organizer: Careers Centre at Faculty of Medicine, Lund University in collaboration with Medicon Village
- Language: English
Please register no later than Sunday 3 December 2023
- Nätverkande
- Seminarium/utbildning
Contact information
- Pernilla Carlsson (Faculty of Medicine, Lund University)