Lunch with VILDA Skåne
“Lunch with VILDA Skåne” is the start of a series of informal lunch meetings where VILDA members take turns to host and facilitate a dialogue over lunch on various themes of interest, for example lifting up shared challenges faced by CEOs, to allow members to share experiences, tips and advice.
The theme for this first “Lunch with VILDA Skåne” is Jack(ie) of all traits, (master of none), and will be hosted by Malin Bornschein, CEO of Reccan AB.
CEOs, particularly for small companies, need to know enough to have the big picture to steer the company in the right direction, ask the right questions and find the right competences.
But how do we know we have found the right balance between investing in new knowledge ourselves, and delegating to others who might have deeper expertise?
How do we identify knowledge gaps that may exist but are unknown to us and our team or board?
And what are some strategies to fill knowledge gaps as they appear, given that these gaps evolve with the stage of the company’s growth as well as in the context that the company operates in?
These are some topics that we will discuss and share experiences on during this lunch meeting that is open to female life science CEOs/board members. The meeting is sponsored by Medicon Village and lunch will be provided.
Registration/Sign up
Attendance is by personal invitation only and spaces are limited to support a focused discussion. If you are interested in joining the lunch, please reach out to:
Sarah Lidé
Deputy CEO
Medicon Village Innovation
M: +46 738 66 3135
- When: to
- Where: Medicon Village, Scheeletorget 1, Lund
- Organizer: VILDA Skåne (sponsored by Medicon Village)
- Language: English
Contact information
- Sarah Lidé
- +46 738 66 3135