Fresh statistics on the Swedish life science sector

Medicon Village

Vinnova (the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems) has recently released a report capturing key statistics for the life science sector in Sweden, which is a strategically important industry for Sweden. This can be seen in the following facts and figures:

  • In 2022, the Swedish life science sector comprised of 3 800+ companies employing approximately 52 400 employees.
  • These companies had a combined net turnover of approx 474 bilion SEK in 2022, an increase of 54% since 2014.
  • Medtech forms the most significant branch segment in Swedish life science in terms of number of companies, followed by pharma and biotech.
  • Life science is a key export industry for Sweden, with life science representing 7-11% of Sweden's total export of goods between 2009 and 2022.
  • Life science is also a knowledge- and R&D-intensive industry in Sweden, with approximately one-third of companies involved in R&D and with two-thirds of life science employees having a post-secondary education. The proportion of life science employees in Sweden with a post-graduate education has also increased between 2010 and 2022, growing from 7.8% to 10%.

Skåne, which Medicon Village is situated in, remains one of the key life science regions in Sweden:

  • Close to 20% of Swedish life science companies are headquartered in Skåne, employing 7 400+ employees in the region.
  • The composition of life science companies in Skåne reflects the national composition, with medtech being the dominant branch segment, followed by pharma and biotech.
  • Slightly more than a third of Skåne-based life science companies are engaged in R&D activities.
  • Skåne is also a motor for newly formed life science companies after Stockholm, Skåne had the second highest number of newly formed companies in Sweden in 2022, particularly within biotech.

"Vinnova's report provides a good update to key numbers for the life science sector, and the underlying methodology will ensure that one is able to follow the sector's development over time. This will be well complemented by the Life Science Barometer initiative that Medicon Village is collaborating with SwedenBIO and others on, that will capture the perspectives and sentiments of CEOs and company leaders on what they see is driving the most value and the most costs for their life science business, what opportunities and challenges are top of mind, and what lies around the corner," says Sarah Lidé, Deputy CEO, Medicon Village Innovation.

To download the Vinnova report:

For more information on the Life Science Barometer: