Report to build knowledge on life science in Medicon Valley

Medicon Village

For an updated broader geographical perspective, Øresundsinstituttet offers a summary of six analyses on Medicon Valley conducted between 2019-2022, as part of the Interreg-project Greater Copenhagen Life Science Analysis Initiative.

That report, published in December, states that some 65 500 people work in private companies in the Danish-Swedish life science cluster Medicon Valley. The sector consists of around 1,150 companies and these have created around 12,000 new jobs in the region over the last five years. Over the same period, around 300 new life science companies have been created – more than one a week. Life science companies in eastern Denmark are investing more than DKK 45 billion now and in the coming years to expand their manufacturing plants, R&D facilities and facilities in the region, which is expected to create 4,000 new jobs.

Download the: Report on Life Science in Medicon Valley