Meeting venues
The name refers to Bengt Samuelsson, who in 1982 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together with Sune Bergström and the Briton John R Vane for their discoveries concerning the prostaglandins and closely related biologically active substances. Seating style The conference facilities are multi purpose and… Read More
The grand Auditorium at Medicon Village Seating Style Fixed furniture: cinema seating with 140 armchairs and ten extra fixed seats. If necessary, the number of seats can be increased to a maximum of 180 by deploying extra chairs. If extra seats are desired, this must be announced well in… Read More
The name of the room refers to Arvid Carlsson, who in 2000 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his ground-breaking research on the brain’s neurotransmitters Dopamine. The room was previously called Gåsen. Seating Style The room has a fixed oval table seating for 11 persons. Location… Read More
The name of the room refers to Allvar Gullstrand, who in 1911 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research into the refraction ability of the eye. Seating style The conference facilities are multi purpose and we can arrange according to your needs (Board, U-tables, School and… Read More